About Us

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Dunwoody, GA, United States
John is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice. Kay is retired after working 34 years for the State of Georgia. We both love to travel and have a long list of places we want to see. We have 3 wonderful children (a daughter, son-in-law, and son) and 1 precious grandchild. Our family is going to be growing soon. Our son is getting married in May to a sweet young lady that has a 2 year old daughter. So we will have 4 wonderful children and 2 precious grandchildren!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

I know it is past Valentine's Day, but I wanted to post a couple of pictures I took of the grandkids for their parents for Valentine's Day. It was a real challenge to get these and they aren't the best, but it was the best I could do being the only one working with them while trying to take the pictures. I can't wait till they get older and can really enjoy posing for the camera!
Happy Valentine's Day Sam, Jill, David and Summer.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Snow in Atlanta - It Finally Happened!

The weather forecasters have been forecasting snow for the Atlanta area for about the past 4 weeks. We hope and hope but it never comes. It hits all around us, Alabama, the North Georgia Mountains, Tennessee, even Florida got some snow! Well, we escaped the snow as long as we could and it finally hit us on February 15th. I had gone to the Mall of GA to pick up Kennedy because John and I were taking her to the Big Apple Circus at Stone Mountain that night. As we were walking out of the mall I looked out the glass doors and could see nothing but pure white. It was really snowing, and snowing hard! I haven't seen it snow that hard in a long, long time. Kennedy and I got to the car and I called John to let him know we were on our way home. He said our entire front yard was already covered in snow!

Luckily I didn't have any problems making it home. It snowed harder and harder and the traffic on I-85 south was moving at a snail's pace. We were going about 30 miles per hour. There was a lot of traffic, too. I think everyone decided they should leave work early in order to make it home safely.

I talked to Kennedy on the way home and tried to explain to her that we might not be going to the circus that night because of the snow. She was totally okay with that. Thank goodness, because I didn't want to have a crying, disappointed little girl on my hands for the entire evening! When we got home, Kennedy told me she didn't feel good. She had eaten a good lunch at the mall and was acting fine, playing with Michael during lunch, and talking and laughing on the way home. We had been home about 15 minutes when she got sick. So, as it turned out, it was okay that we didn't go to the circus that night!

By the way, the Big Apple Circus has an awesome exchange policy on tickets. They don't care why you couldn't make it to your performance. They will exchange your tickets for a performance on the same day of your original ticket (week day or weekend day), no questions asked. We now have tickets right across the aisle from our original seats for another Friday night. Hopefully we will have better weather and no sickness!

When Kennedy woke up Saturday morning she was feeling much better. We got all suited up and went out to play in the snow. Kennedy didn't have any gloves with her so we put some of my gloves on her tiny little hands and kept them on with rubber bands. They looked kind of funny but at least her hands stayed warm. We tried to make a snowman but our snow was like sugar. It was so light, dry and powdery that it wouldn't even stick together. But, it made some awesome snow angels! We had a fun morning playing in the snow. Luckily, when it snows in Atlanta, it doesn't last. Unlike our friends in other parts of the country that can't dig themselves out of the snow, our streets were pretty clear by Saturday afternoon (luckily the water that re-froze overnight melted my mid-day) and all of the snow was pretty much gone by Sunday afternoon. It was pretty while it lasted. That's the kind of snow I like - that's why I live in Georgia!

Kennedy ready to play in the snow

Making snow angels

We got 4 inches. The snow completely covered my boots!

Our house with the sun coming up over it

Winter wonderland - it was so beautiful. Thankfully it only lasted 48 hours!