About Us

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Dunwoody, GA, United States
John is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice. Kay is retired after working 34 years for the State of Georgia. We both love to travel and have a long list of places we want to see. We have 3 wonderful children (a daughter, son-in-law, and son) and 1 precious grandchild. Our family is going to be growing soon. Our son is getting married in May to a sweet young lady that has a 2 year old daughter. So we will have 4 wonderful children and 2 precious grandchildren!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A New Christmas Tradition

Even though I have lived in Atlanta my entire life, I don't remember ever riding the Pink Pig! Well, I finally got my chance. Jill and I took Michael to Lenox Square to see Santa and ride the Pink Pig. How fun! We talked about making this a new Christmas tradition. Michael sat in Santa's lap. Even though he didn't smile for the picture at least he wasn't screaming!. There weren't many people at the mall - we didn't have a line to see Santa nor to ride the Pink Pig. The messy weather may have played a part in that. We had a wonderful day together!
Michael with Santa at Lenox Square Mall
The Pink Pig entrance

Jill and Michael on the Pink Pig

Jill and Michael

My little Christmas present!

1 comment:

The Thome Family said...

I'm so glad he did good with Santa. I absolutely LOVE the last two pictures of him and Jill...and under the tree!!! They are really good pictures!! Michael holding that candy cane is precious!!