About Us

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Dunwoody, GA, United States
John is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice. Kay is retired after working 34 years for the State of Georgia. We both love to travel and have a long list of places we want to see. We have 3 wonderful children (a daughter, son-in-law, and son) and 1 precious grandchild. Our family is going to be growing soon. Our son is getting married in May to a sweet young lady that has a 2 year old daughter. So we will have 4 wonderful children and 2 precious grandchildren!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring at Stone Mountain

Well, I had my last photography class for a while on Thursday. I was taking Digital 102 and really enjoyed this class. It was more challenging, making me learn more settings on my camera and doing a lot of low light photography. I have finally learned to use my camera in the full manual mode and it gives me a lot more control on how my pictures turn out. It was a really great class. I wish I was able to take more but we will be going on vacation soon and I would miss 2 out of the 6 classes so I will wait until I can be here for the entire course. I can't decide if I want to take Photoshop or People I next. I do eventually want to take the People classes so I can learn to take better pictures of individuals and groups. I'll decide that later.

For my last Digital 102 class I had to have 10 pictures that I had taken over the past 6 weeks. I decided to go out to Stone Mountain and spend an afternoon taking pictures. It was a beautiful day, was in the middle of spring break for the schools in our area, and the park was packed. I had fun driving through the park, getting out of the car and just walking around. Everything was beautiful. Here are a few of the pictures I took that day. Enjoy!

The Carving

A gorgeous pink dogwood

Rhododendron blossom

The covered bridge behind white dogwoods

The beautiful dogwood blossom

The grist mill

Rhododendron amongst Crepe Myrtle trees

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